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You and your families are Hollis’ top priority. He answers to you—not the big-money, corporate special interests.
Anchor 2
Hollis Lewis for WV House (57th District)
Husband, Father, Advocate, Professor, and Coach
“I want to make West Virginia better for our families and make it a place where our children want to stay.”
“West Virginia needs to grow its economy, but what lawmakers are doing now is not working. You can’t keep doing the same tired things and expect the outcome to be different. It’s time for new solutions to those old problems—and that begins with better paying jobs, an educated work force, and the technology and infrastructure we need in the 21st century.”

About Me
Anchor 3
Hollis' Vision

Affordable Healthcare
Public Education
Equitable Justice

Fair Worker Rights
Small Business Support
Prevention, Treatment, & Recovery

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